Do we have room for Christian fundamentalists in a secular government system? From the looks of it, No!
What has been seen in the Australian Federal Parliament in the last couple of days of sitting is enough for us to quake, because we have another 3 years of the Howard government and their pompous, power-hungry, and devastating actions. When they found out that they had the majority in the last elections, they said 'good, now we can push through all the legislation that the labour party and democrats etc. have been blocking for years'... well it was for a good reason Johnny! Now we have upon us things like sedition laws (should I be expecting a knock on my door soon for speaking out agaist the Government?), reduced worker rights, and of course the bee in my bonnet: VSU.
When asked what sealed the deal between John Howard and Steve Fielding, Fielding said he couldnt recall. Really? From the night before? With the Prime Minister? An important meeting like that? If you have such a bad memory, you shouldnt really have the position of power you do mate!
No, rumors have it that the reason he couldnt recall was that he did a backroom deal with John. Fielding gives Howard a vote for VSU, and Howard (like the fair guy he is) gives him what he wants... what would a fundamentalist christian want? Let me see... abortion to be illegal, all lesbians to be burnt at the stake (No really, that was their party line!), oh yeah.. and the abortion pill RU486 to be outlawed (oh, but ONLY because its not safe to women-bullshit! And general anaesthetics are?).
The fact that John howard is willing to comprimise the safety and rights of women by his greedy and swollen head that so desparately wants to get VSU through with no amendments or discussion is absolutely appauling. Why we have so many religious members of parliament (by that I mean CHristians) that have so much power (Tony Abbott, for instance, who never misses a chance to flaut his christian morals and impose them on a largely non-Christian Australian public). For a secular government, they are sure having some difficulties with the line between religion and secular...
But on the other hand, imagine if there were Muslim member(s) of parliament. Wow! wouldn't they have to work hard not to let any wiff of religion creep into their politics.
I guess you can tell the only religion i subscribe to is atheist dog (yeah, we have a specific dog one).
Scary world eh? But tuck yourself in, they are only warming up... they have the rest of the term to screw us up more, and if this year is any precedent we may not even have an election next time.
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